Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I thought the first entry was okay to mark my foray into blogging world….again. No excuses why I closed down the other places. It just died a natural death. Because I lost the drive to write there anymore.

So here’s hoping I stick this one out long enough and not have it die on me yeah.


2 entries to start the ball rolling eh...Cheers!


I have to be in F Hill for a 3 day course. Sigh. So blardy far man.

But I suppose the time away meant I’d have to miss him.

Sometimes when I’m at work I miss him.

Trust me it has never been this way before.

In a way it feels odd yet right…enough.


SA is turning 3 in 2 months time. Wow! Soon enough she’ll be old enough to accompany me on shopping jaunts. Not that she hasn’t been a good company, it’s just there isn’t much input on the purchasing side.

The kind of input she gives is the ones where my output would be

‘jangan pegang tu, pecah kang’

‘where are u girl, jangan main sorok-sorok, ilang kang’

‘okay stop hugging my leg, girl’

All this points out to

i: my lack of shopping buddy (husband don’t count; he makes a lousy shopping partner – the every few minutes glance at the watch and muka bosan is soo not helping…

ii: can’t wait for Liz to come this weekend…hope it pans out. We plan to lepak the whole weekend, take her out for kopoks and sit in front of the telly for a marathon of either Ugly Betty, Grey’s Anatomy or Gossip Girl.

Note to self : Must burn both seasons of UB and GA. Pronto.

Note to IM - And no – my BFF stays my BFF. MINE.


Have seen Jumper (Hayden Christiensen, Rachel Bilson), Catch and Release (Jennifer Garner, Timothy Olyphant-TO for now-, Kevin Smith), The Great Debaters (Denzel Washington), Atonement (Kiera Knightly, James McAvoy), Juno (Ellen Page), Eastern Promises (Viggo Mortensen), The Brave One (Jodie Foster, Terrence Howard) Golden Compass (Nicole Kidman, Danial Craig, Eva Green), Meet the Spartans (not worth mentioning).

Loved all of them except The Brave One. Ugh! Terrence why you go play a cop like that man??!!

The Atonement was bittersweet. Can’t get over how James is able to say so much from just looking at his eyes. So looking forward to watch Wanted.

But the scene in the bath house of Eastern Promises was disturbingly hot. Oh man Viggo!

Loved Catch and Release. As much as I liked Something New (Sanaa Lathan, Simon Baker). Can watch again and again.

TO has 3 new movies in 2008 – Stop Loss (Ryan Phillipe), High Life and A Perfect Getaway.

Looks like if I need my TO fix I’d have to download DeadWood. Or watch Hitman again. Damn it! Hate Western series. Only liked Pony Express. And that was ages ago. Dops and I used to go gaga over James Brolin. Those were the days.

Found a picture of him as Fritz from the movie Catch and Release.



easeart jalil said...

you should have captioned the picture thus: "Smug looking man in purple tee holds large instrument with both hands".

What's in my Marc? said...

well, your t-shirt must be green then...

*smirks smugly*

like tongue-twister plak....

KS said...

wah.. new blog? nama canggih gittewww ;)

happy writing ya!


What's in my Marc? said...

thanks ks...;)