Thursday, March 13, 2008

10,000 BC - A Review

As per the title, we went to the cinema last night. Watched 10,000 BC. A bit slow at first but it was average. I mean even going in without expectations I came out feeling…ho hum. In the beginning we didn’t know what to expect whether it was a cgi driven movie, cartoon or what you see is what you get lah.

I think what spoiled it for me were some of the unintended comic effect. Plus I can’t seem to place D’leh’s character (Steven Strait) as a mammoth hunter cause he looks like a surfer sesat in Alaska.

Camilla Belle’s character as Evolet looked so darned familiar. Googled her name and lo and behold…makcik dalam When a Stranger Calls.

Those baby blue eyes are haunting. No wonder Affif Ben Badra’s character fell in love with her.

The director also directed Jake Gylenhaal and Emmy Rossum in The Day after Tomorrow. Same director for Will Smith’s Independence Day and also Godzilla.

On a scale of 1-5, only go if the ticks’ prices are on a super cheap Wednesday. 3.5. Heh. And I’m being very generous because I like Ben Badra’s character. I like looking at him too. Who doesn’t?!! Big Bad guy who looks at the blue-eyed witch with so much longing and vulnerability. Gotta love that combo.

Oh and they all look like they smell as bad as they look. Yer la if prehistoric times where got Dettol or sabun mandi Camay. But they have really white white teeth…ker masa tuh dah jumpa kayu sugi…And no hidung penyet. And less hairy. Bukan cro-magnon people apparently have hidung penyet like their cousins the simian (monyets). Then some more have dreadlock hair. Ker orang la nie yang revert to prehistoric hair?


Pictures of 10000 BC credited to


I’ve cleared most of my stuff. Getting a move to 4th floor. Sigh. I’ll miss my sofa. Seriously. The best sofa ever. So plump and inviting.

Good bye Mr. Sofa. You’ll be sorely missed.

*misty eyes*


easeart jalil said...

is the new office makeoutable?

What's in my Marc? said...

maybe...but not much time for 4play am 'fraid...

*rolls eyes*

Anonymous said...

Eee betul la. Gebu. Sofa ittewww.