Thursday, June 19, 2008

June Bug

I had just finished eating dinner when I saw a plate of fish bones set aside. For Garfield. Or Ginger. Not sure what’s the official name for the latest stray cat to adopt us.

We’ve stayed in this house nearly 2 years and for the most part we’ve had cats adopting our family. There was Jimbit who disappeared. Then I’m not sure if there was a cat named Tona or it was the boys’ favourite ‘lembut’ stylist (sssshhhh…that’s a secret!)…I’m confusedlah. The latest before Ginger/Garfield/Oy Kucing was a black and white striped cat named Lollie. Lollie gave birth to 4 kitties and left them or disappeared in a fortnight. The kitties died after a month of looking after by the very patient Mak Chu.

Then there was the arrogant puss named Blackie. Looked to be a Persian cat with a perpetual poker-face when we called it. Muka takdok perasaan. Blah la ko kucing….

This latest stray could be called Ginger for its fur or Garfield for its colour and one major annoying factor. The meowing will go on and on if we ignore its hungry call. Or can call it anak harimau because it is THAT huge.

Or stick with Oy Kucing! So we don’t get too attached. And start missing the cats when they leave us.

Did I mention I don’t like cats? I generally don’t get too close to any animals. Been raised to not have pets and not to get too attached since I had childhood asthma.

Anyway, Soph is really attached to the cats.


Spoiler Alert!

Saw the finale episode of Grey’s Anatomy Season 4. There were about 5 episodes after the writers’ strike. The end? Loved, loved it. Meredith and McDreamy back again. Sigh. Poor Rose.

Oh well, can’t wait for the next season.


Rant time. I hate my job. I mean it’s challenging but I just don’t like it when I have to play hardball most of the time. And the drama at work. Seriously??!! Macam Spektra Drama Melayu.

Benci. Benci. Benci.

Tomorrow meeting in the city capital. Huarrrggghhhh….

I’ve signed up for a 4 day counseling course early July in K*m*m*n. So I can get away from the office and its drama. End of July boss wants me to attend a Finance Course in R*m*p*n. Syok!!!!

Can’t wait.

Till the next update. Take care.


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