Monday, April 7, 2008

Eye Candy

I feel like such a kid again. The kind where you like a boy so much that you try to tell him you like him by being mean to him. The pulling hair and spitting and throwing sand kind.

Ugh! So the playschool one.

Certainly brings out the aggressive side of me. Makes coming to work wonderful. Although tomorrow would be a quiet one. Meeting in the capital.


easeart jalil said...

Careful. Don't get yer teeth all rotten. Heh

What's in my Marc? said...

just teeth??!!


Anonymous said...

Errr.. kenapa aku rasa entry kali nih ada bau2 18SX?

Ke aku je yang senget?


What's in my Marc? said...

ko tak senget ko normal....aku suka gigit maaaa....
